Friday, October 22, 2010

This Is Me

So here we are another week in. For some reason it is still on my heart that every person out there in the world on their own personal journey need to know that they matter. More importantly than needing to know they matter though, they need to know that there is hope. The kind of hope to know that you are beautiful, regardless of any opinion or set standard and that there is so much bigger of a picture for your life. I am learning that we can step into new situations freely. We can become comfortable, confident and put ourselves out there with that great big smile but behind the scenes of the outward journey if we do not learn to accept and love ourselves the rest almost seems of no value.

This is a song one of my best friends Breanna Biss wrote almost two years ago. The background of the song is that she met a girl who was lacking the hope that I was just explaining we all need. Brea felt lead to write this to show that girl the hope. "Princess" has now become a symbol of hope for hundreds of girls on this same walk. I challenge you to sit down in a quiet place and listen in on the words Breanna is saying.

TIP: Have faith in the beauty of yourself.

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