Thursday, September 2, 2010

Entering Into the Unknown

At some point in life each of us has venture off into the real world. It's the one place we hear about every day but never really know what it is like until it smacks us right in the face. Nineteen days ago I loaded up everything that ever meant anything to me into my jeep and began the next page of my journey. This next step is known to last four years, is categorized as some of the best years of your life and goes by the name of college.

The college I picked is located seven hours away from the last place I called home. It is in an area I have never seen with people I have never met but you know what? That is perfectly fine with me. We need to fly the coop and spread our wings. Each and every one of us needs to start discovering our own likes, dislikes, morals, goals and most importantly our identity. They say college is where all that takes place, so instead of fearing the unknown I am making it a point to embrace it. Hopefully, all of you will continue this journey with me, so I can send my joys of life in your direction.

TIP: Don't ever be scared. The world is limitless and free. Explore!

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