Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Gate Keepers

Well... life can go in any direction and last week we talked about living in the moment. The picture above represents exactly that even if at first glance it may not seem like it does. When you look at this picture what do you see or think about?

Bright Colors?
Warm Weather?

I imagine those are all things that went through your head when seeing that picture because they are for me. My reason for pointing this out is huge. While we are learning to live in the moment we need to learn to be bright, warm, and full of smiles and joy. If we can see brightness and be bright at all times then the gloomy stuff won't bother us as much as it might now. If we fill ourselves with warmth then the people around us are more likely to feel welcomed and loved and desire to continue being around you. Plus, it will make you feel better on the inside not to be cold. Lastly, if we find joy in every aspect of the moment there is no chance of having a bad day because we will know everything is going to be okay. So we can cherish it. 

TIP: Open your eyes. They are the gate keeper of the good stuff :)

SIDE NOTE: I found another blogger on here that I think does a great job reaching out to people, similar to my blog. Her blog does have a slight different appeal, but overall it is absolutely wonderful! Take some time and search through and read some of her posts, I believe they will be very beneficial to you :)
Here's the link, I know hope you explore: Girls, God and The Good Life

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Love your blog! Oh, and just to let you know -- Girls, God and the Good Life is actually run by a whole group of Christian authors -- it's pretty cool. I actually found your blog from there :)
